


4 月 19 日,即每当比特币矿工挖出第 840,000 个区块时,进入流通的比特币 {{BTC}} 数量将从每天约 900 个减半至 450 个。这一事件(俗称减半)迫在眉睫在比特币中占有很大的份额,这也是比特币成为比特币的原因之一。也许因为它只在闰年出现(到目前为止),比特币爱好者往往比大多数加密货币节日(例如比特币披萨日或中本聪发布白皮书的周年纪念日)更期待减半。但它不会永远存在。

本综述是 CoinDesk 的“比特币的未来”包的一部分。

一旦所有 2100 万个比特币被开采完毕,减半将达到其目的并停止(可能在 2140 年)。中本聪为何要这么做?没人知道。就像没有真正了解他为什么选择 2100 万上限或 1 月 9 日作为发布日一样。有很多很多的猜测试图理解比特币设计中这些看似任意的元素。因为如果说比特币有一件事是确定的,那就是它往往会引发意见分歧。


CoinDesk 向加密社区寻求意见:


蜻蜓资本管理合伙人 Haseeb Qureshi:





Morph 联合创始人 Azeem Khan:

My personal opinion is the halving is likely priced in. We’ve seen institutional capital inflows for months now since the bitcoin spot ETF was approved. And even before that we were seeing a lot of liquidity enter the market without seeing traditional signs that retail was buying with things like Coinbase being the number one app in the App Store. To me, that indicated it was already institutional money coming in. They’re not dumb and have likely been buying ahead of this. Larry Fink didn’t get to where he is by accident.

My personal philosophy in this space has tended to be that when everyone agrees something is going to happen, it generally doesn’t. Similar to when we had Elon being a clown on SNL pumping $DOGE in 2021 and everyone had agreed it was going to $1, it dumped.

The investing approach I abide by has always been to dollar cost average. Pick an amount you’re willing to lose, set an auto buy for that amount of whichever assets you’ve done your research on, continue to buy over the long term every X period, and never look at the price. If you’re investing with a long term approach in mind, this will help you beat out 99% of the noise you see from gambling addicts, some of which turned out to be the lottery winners of Crypto Twitter when zooming out through the years.

Not priced in

Edan Yago, founder of Sovryn:

Definitely not priced in. Not even close. This is the most important halving since the first. This halving will bring new assets to Bitcoin in the form of Runes and the coming cycle will see Bitcoin Rollups add scalability and programmability to Bitcoin. Bitcoin block space will go from cheap to the scarcest computing resource in the world.

Ogle, founder of Glue:

I think this halving is distinct from prior ones because of the significant increase in capital coming into the market because of the ETF approvals. So you have a reduction of supply because of the halving itself, combined with increased demand from the ETFs — basic economic principles say this should result in a higher price. My guess is the halving has partially been priced in, but I don't think people quite realize the magnitude of buy pressure that is coming in via the ETFs — and that buy pressure is in my view going to significantly impact the price of BTC upward.

Uncle Rockstar Developer, core contributor to BTCPay:

Given the historical data — 9,575% increase post-2012, 3,233% post-2016, and 667% post-2020 — it's not a question of if the BTC/USD price will rise after this halving, but rather by how much. Feel free to quote me on that.

This time it’s different

Ed Hindi, chief investment officer at Tyr Capital:

Bitcoin remains a viable doomsday asset in 2024, as its correlation to gold recently increased, and investors continue to diversify away from traditional financial assets. The ETF is currently spearheading this doomsday rally and we should expect $120,000 to be hit in the coming months as global geopolitics continues to deteriorate and the middle classes continue to find ways to protect their wealth.

We believe that price action ahead and post-halving is going to be different from past events as there are new variables affecting bitcoin. The combination of an uncertain geopolitical situation, choppy U.S. spot ETF flows, record leverage and recalibration of the U.S. Federal Reserve monetary policy is going to create an explosive combo and lead to extremely volatile market conditions. We would not be surprised to see BTC trade as low as $55,000 and as high as $75,000 in the coming couple of weeks. We remain very bullish into year-end though and consider $120,000 to be a realistic target.

Roger Ver, creator of Bitcoin Cash:

Nothing special happened for the last three halvings. I don’t expect this time to be any different.

See also: The Bitcoin Halving Really Is Different This Time

Kadan Stadelmann, chief technology officer of Komodo Platform:

The biggest difference between the 2020 halving and the 2024 halving is skyrocketing institutional demand. Prior to the previous halving, institutions were on the sidelines. The market was dominated by retail investors. Since then, the market dynamic has drastically shifted. As one example, MicroStrategy didn’t make its first BTC purchase until August 2020. As of April 2024, the company reportedly holds 214, 246 BTC (roughly $13.625 billion). Of the 21 million bitcoins that will ever exist, around 12.27% currently belong to publicly traded and private companies, ETFs and countries.

Adam Blumberg, co-founder of Interaxis:

The halving will have likely an impact on the price, as we have greater demand than ever from ETF investors, bitcoin hodlers and even corporations, and we're coupling that with decreasing new supply. We'll also see impact on miners who have tremendous capital and electricity outlays, and will get their production cut in half.

Impact on mining

Colin Harper, researcher and writer for Luxor Technology’s Hashrate Index:

This halving could be unprecedented with regards to how it affects Bitcoin's total network hashrate. It's plausible that we see no hashrate come offline after the halving, or that we will see the smallest decrease in network hashrate after any other halving event in Bitcoin's history. Mining margins won't be as good after the halving as they are now, obviously, but they won't be horrendous. And if the new Runes fungible token protocol makes a significant impact on transaction fees, then margins will be healthy enough to keep miners with higher costs online for longer than not.

For comparison, Bitcoin's hash rate declined 15% after the 2020 halving, 5% after 2016's halving, and 13% after 2012.

See also: Why Bitcoin Halving Calculators Are Out of Sync

Joe Downie, chief marketing officer at NiceHash:

This halving is different, we will likely see less volatility than previous ones, for a few reasons: one is that Bitcoin mining is far stronger than it has ever been before in terms of hashrate, another is the level of legitimacy Bitcoin has gotten recently due to institutional funds and ETFs, plus the fact that a lot of people are in “wait and see” mode. This makes for a far more stable basis for BTC to hold its current value and gradually increase over the course of this year. There may be some short term volatility during the following week or two after the halving, but I expect things to stabilize quickly after that.

Troy Cross, professor of philosophy at Reed College:

There are two sides of the halving story: price impact and mining impact. On the price side, I don't have anything to say. The "supply shock *should* be priced in, but every time I have thought that and every time I've been wrong. I won't pretend to read the collective psyche. With everyone anticipating that everyone else is irrational and *not* pricing it in, who knows what will happen?

I tweeted recently about the U.S. government’s holdings of bitcoin, over 200,000 bitcoins, and much of it Silk Road seizure. In terms of the impact on supply, that's at least as important as the halving event.

Trigger warning: FUD post.The US Government has 215k btc. Germany has 50k. MSTR has 214k and GBTC has 340k.So the USG has the same stack as MSTR.At post-halving issuance rates, the USG stack is 1.3 years’ worth of mining.So how is the halving a big deal while this…

— Troy Cross (@thetrocro) March 31, 2024

But on the mining side, the halving does get me excited.

The halving will force miners to seek out even cheaper power than they already have. Some miners will go under, selling off their equipment to those with more efficient operations.

The breakeven point for profitably running an ASIC will nearly drop in half. Miners will start curtailing more often, particularly their older machines.

What happens next depends on bitcoin's price action, but if prices do no


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